Plot Synopsis: It's been 808 years during the Age of Canrian and chaos has been dwelling in the world of Andrial and has been threatening life as we know it. The Goddess of Chaos and her companion, Haiku are both locked up for eternity, but parts of their anger against the world still sticks to it. Causing disaster and random magicl outspurts. In the meantime, Kingdoms, Factions, and Clans, are all tense and have been doing what they can to survive, asking the Gods to help them. The Gods do their best, but something's been blocking their connections with the mortal world.
As the Age of Canrian continues, world development is still taking place. The visual for the world of Andrial is now up and we are making the site look a lot more nicer than it once was! Please note, that this site is an 14 up RP. Godspark is also a character driven plot, with given quests and random encounters from all across the world! Please feel free to sign up if you wish, unless you're too afraid of the risk your taking?
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